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Friday, March 23, 2012

J'M&M Beach n' Bitches Archive

The Chapter of my Web Spicy Comic J'M&M Beach n' Bitches Dowload the chapter to read them Big on your PC, Version en Español AQUI:


Beach n' Bitches

Easy Girl

Extra Cash

Naughty Mirrors


Photo Shoot

Secret Toys

Bus Molester

Savage Waves

The Ice Cream

A Fresh Dress

Cute Beast

Knock the Door

Mona the Slayer

A Decent Job


Blind Date


Vacation's Over

Brand New Day

New Year


Casual Meet


The Kiss

Angry Boss

Glory Hole


No Shame

No Panties

Naked Night


Poker Face

[EXTRA] Thank You


Strip Night

Cover of the Month

Lesbian Dance

Secret Art

The Contract

New Guest (Part1)

New Guest (Part2)

Baby Goodbye


Easy Girl 

Extra Cash

Naughty Mirrors


Photo Shoot

Secret Toys

Bus Molester

Savage Waves

The Ice Cream

A Fresh Dress

Cute Beast

Knock the Door

Mona the Slayer


sketchfan said...

hey dude,sketchfan from da here,lemme just awesome tosee all your comics and more here;3

Anonymous said...

Dude these are awesome, your style looks great and the funny sexy is always pleases

Anonymous said...

Man, i`m a huge fan of your art, when are u going to continue the J'M and M Beach N' Bitches comics ?

Greetings from Brazil!!!

Anonymous said...

Dowload ?

Anonymous said...

Can you do a comic of Maya with Sugar and Honey the 2 "girls" from Easy Girl comic strip?

karateartist..aka evasiveTJ said...

Liking your art style.Thick women are what I prefer hands down.You add humor to your comics as well. Mona is my favorite out of the three.

Anonymous said...

I wish you would continue this comics series. I mean its really good.

DarkerEve said...

Hi Anonymous, I'm still not make the official announcement, but I'm working in the second season of the comic right now, is gonna re start publishing this December XD.

C said...

Nice work! Good mix of character personalities, and I like that the girls get even with the assholes!

Thx for sharing your skills.

KtWdA said...

Pretty Nice! Looking forward to more! &_&

sketchfan said...

personal faves;unsatisfied,knock the door,cute beast,a fresh dress,savage waves,sensitive,naughty mirrors,extra cash,easy girl

sketchfan said...

love the 3 new comics,you've seen what I said on da

sketchfan said...

newst comic;jay,I'd stop for you anytime,no fanserivce required

sketchfan said...

0x0daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn...¬w¬we're gonna be seeing a lot of sugar and honey huh?

Anonymous said...

Maya is sooo hot, your art is awesome!

sketchfan said...

again bond just has to be the most sweet,funny and heartfelt comic of yours yet,right next to new year's

Anonymous said...

Honey + Sugar + Maya = Best Trap Ever

sketchfan said...

newest've gladly arrived into our hearts,you beautiful exotic creatureTwT

DarkGraven said...

ah I love this series reminds of the first day I discovered it on Deviant art, glorious.

sketchfan said...

XDlolz again,maya girl,learn who you're screwing,before you get yourself screwed,lolz life's little lessons

Anonymous said...

I hope Maya screws her boss next so they can make up

sketchfan said...

agreed with anon above about maya and her boss and busted=lolz we all make mistakes j'dXD

Warriorgirlsfan said...

Wow man primera ve que me paso por tu blog y...esta genial!!! De verdad que metes mano por aqui. No se si me equivoco pero creo que eres el 1er artista erotico dominicano. Ver tus trabajos me motivan a tambien meterme de lleno en el erotismo... pero algo me detiene T_T...

Para que sepas quien soy solo te dire que me gusta SSO XD

sketchfan said...

glory hole=daaaaaaaamn
no shame=aaah're gonna fit in just fine in jagua

Anonymous said...

Hey man I have 2 words to tell you about your comics: IM-PRESSIVE!! (or as we like to say here in Spain: IM-PRESIONANTE)

Keep doing that, it is awesome!!!

sketchfan said...

awwwwww sorry mona...least you're still cute and sexy,again she was great in this

Viscount_Tusc said...

These are great comics. I found your site through a few links to them. I'm glad you're still doing them!

sketchfan said...

naked night;a reminder of maya's naughtiness and 9w9momo and jay are quite the drunks mmm?

sketchfan said...

monster=XDlolz lesson learned maya?

sketchfan said...

bwahahahahaha,moral of the story, never play poker with j'd,esp with high stakes involvedXD

sketchfan said...

trap=aww damn tania's gonna be mad at you for quite a while for that stunt huh?you can be a devious trickster on your girls

sketchfan said...

the extra comic=you're welcome,congrats and thank you amigo,for continuing to deliver all this lovelyness that makes us give you these welldeserved pageviews

Anonymous said...

Do you have a story line to these. Ps really good

sketchfan said...

stripnight=9w9my my,things like this really help us learn a lot more about your girls

sketchfan said...

my oh my(strip night)9w9what a thing to know about j'd,very spicy

Anonymous said...

So, anything new coming anytime soon?

Unknown said...

Awesome new comic. It's nice to see Mona getting to be the model she wants to be. The secretary use to be a model? There must be some good stories with her.

sketchfan said...

cover of the month=TwTfirst comic in weeks and such a heartwarmer,damn fine work amigo

sketchfan said...

9w9my oh my,well seems cassie's a hardass of a boss in general but damn if she don't have a fine body and this might show her a thing or two huh?

Lee said...

Amigo, tu calidad de dibujo es sencillamente increible!!!! O_O
donde aprendiste a dibujar así?
Y los dialogos
y todo asdhkadgkj no sé!
Se te admira!! Muchos animos!

sketchfan said...

secret art=lucky bastard><x

sketchfan said...

contract=oooh man,we're nearing the finale aren't we?whatever's going on here,don't let it all end sadly in tears dude!!

sketchfan said...

new guest part 1=TToTTnoes the finale is here!!but ooh it's more than one part?030>3<damn you and cliffhangers

sketchfan said...

new guest part 2:NOOOOEEEES!!!momo say it ain't so!!

sketchfan said...

baby goodbye=ToTmoooonaaa...I miss you already,come back someday during season 3,damn you amigo>w<for making me want season 3 so soon,damn the antici.................................................pationXDcapital,bravo

Anonymous said...

keep on going, these are great!

Persona22 said...

I like what I see so far.
Will there be a season 3?

Me gusta lo que veo.
Habra tambien una Tercera Temporada?

Anonymous said...

I really love the series :) the one person I want to see more off is Bucky cause he is adorable thanks!

Unknown said...

This comic's awesome dude can we get some update on season 3, i see your working other projects but let the world know if its dead.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing art,I have been wanting to know if there will be a Third Season,seeing this is one of the few comics that I have followed closely.

Unknown said...

Do you happen to have a archive for each season?
For storage purposes, of course.

godofjam said...

Great stuff- love your art and all the characters. Especially JD and Maya (although there's nobody to not like).

Ever had ideas for a story that for some reason you wouldn't think would work for the strip?

Personally I think these girls would be perfect for some erotic fan-fic. With the right mix of sun, sea, sea and humour there's a whole load of possibilities. :)

Elberik said...

I really wish this would start back up